Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal treatment means fast and reliable, permanent hair reduction. Now you can throw out the razors and waxing. Our experienced therapists use the world’s most efficient hair reduction system for smooth, ready to go skin all year round.

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How It Works

Dermatologists use Laser hair removal treatments to remove unwanted facial and body hair. It is a totally safe and effective process. By the help of advanced technology, most people now free from tiredness of shaving, plucking, waxing also razor bumps or acne-like breakouts.

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure. It generates a concentrated beam of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair.

A laser emits a light that is absorbed by the melanin (It is one kind of pigment) in the hair. The laser light energy is converted to heat to damages the tube-shaped sacs within the skin (hair follicles) which produce hairs. So laser hair removal effectively delays hair growth by damaging inhibits. Most patients see noticeably less hair than before.

In every treatment session, you’ll wear special goggles to protect your eyes from the laser beam. If necessary, our assistant might shave the site again and the dermatologists might apply a topical anesthetic to your skin to reduce any discomfort during treatment.

Laser hair removal doesn’t result in permanent hair removal. Multiple treatments are needed for maximum results and maintenance treatments might be needed as well.

Melanin and Skin Tone Factor


Light skin and dark hair people get extra benefits as its most effective for them.  The person who contains more pigment (melanin) the more laser light they will absorb. It will increase the temperature easily. And higher temperature means better destruction of the hair follicle, so it gives maximum successful results.

Skin Tone

Something we use the Fitzpatrick Scale that evaluating skin tone. It is a scale that takes into consideration your genetic disposition and how your skin reacts to sunlight exposure and gives results between 1 to 6. Type 5 skin will have far less noticeable results and type 6 skin is not suited to laser hair therapy.

About the Treatment

Where it can be used:

Laser Hair Removal designed for most parts of the body. It can be effectively treated:

  • Back

  • Bikini area

  • Chest

  • Upper Lip

  • Chin

  • Neck

  • Shoulders

When You Should Not Have Laser Hair Removal Treatments:

Thought it’s a modern technology but this hair removal method is not suited to anyone.

If you have the following conditions, it’s better not to take it now otherwise it could because of your significant damage.

Present conditions:

  • Pregnant

  • Breast Feeding

  • Conceive

Recent past medical history:

  • Autoimmune disease (Lupus, Scleroderma and Vitiligo)

  • Herpes or cold sores

  • High sensitivity to pain

  • Keloid scarring

  • Melanoma

  • Raised moles

  • Sind trauma

Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal

Pain / Discomfort

Laser Hair Removal can be uncomfortable. Some clients often comparing it to having an elastic band snapped against their skin. Don’t worry this usually does not last very long and often will be gone utterly within a few hours.

Skin Irritation

Temporary skin irritation is one the most common side effect. Tingling, discomfort, swelling, redness, and itching is a different kind of Irritation. Within a few hours, this irritation is gone, just like with other hair removal methods and is nothing to worry about. Do not scratch or rub the skin at this time or it will be more inflammation.


Unfortunately, it is still possible to burn hair or skin. Though, the nature of the methods means that the hair is burnt away at the follicle but the skin should not burn. This burn will be more sensitive to the sun until it has healed. Keep the burns area clean to minimise the risk of infection, especially develop blisters or crusts.


It is a very rare case that laser hair removal cause in scarring. But again it is still possible. To avoid this problem, you should moisturise your skin after your treatment, at least one week.

How to Prepare Yourself

We have skill people to give you the best service to remove hair with minimal pain and side effects. Before treatment discusses your past medical history, provide details about risks, benefits, and expectations, including what laser hair removal can and can’t do for you. Take photos for before-and-after assessments and long-term reviews. We also provide clear knowledge about the treatment plan and related costs.

Here are some guides for your better comfort zone:

  • Staying out of the sun ray:

Sun exposure sometimes can damage your skin. To stay safe, avoid sun ray usually up to six weeks before treatment, and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily.

  • Lightening your skin cream:

Avoid any sunless skin creams that darken your skin but use prescribe bleaching cream if you have a recent tan or darker skin.

  • Avoid other hair removal methods:

When you are under treatment of laser hair removal never use plucking, waxing, and electrolysis that can disturb the hair follicle. Also, maintain this rule four week before treatment.

  • Avoiding blood-thinning medications:

You have to avoid medications such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs before the procedure.

  • Trimming and shaving the treatment area:

Trimming and shaving are recommended the day before laser treatment because it removes hair above the skin that can result in surface skin damage from burnt hairs.

The number of Laser Hair Removal Treatments You Need:

Every person has different hair grows rates. Therefore, different people require different numbers of sessions for satisfactory results.

Normally, Laser hair removal requires a series of two to six treatments. Location plays a vital part in determining treatments time. Upper lips are an area where hair grows quickly so treatment might be repeated in four to eight weeks long. On the other hand, on areas of slow hair growth, such as the back, the treatment might be every 12 to 16 weeks long.

The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal therapy:

Here are some noticeable benefits:

  • Precision treatments:

Laser hair removal targets the hair at the root and so damaging and destroying its ability to re-grow. It does not target skin as it specifically targeted hair due to the pigment.

  • Maximum success rate:

These methods of hair removal are very effective. Specifically, for people with fair skin and dark hair. Many clients achieve permanent hair loss within 3 to 7 sessions. Lighter hair will require more treatments because it will require more energy to damage the hair growth cycle.

  • Cost effective:

In the initial moment of the treatment it seems to be an expensive one but in long-term, laser hair removal will save money. You will no longer have to pay for regular expensive waxing or for replacement razor heads. You will save a lot of money by choosing to have laser hair removal treatment.

  • Fast treatments time:

It depends on which area you want to treat. For example, as a small area such as the upper lip may take only ten minutes, while legs could take an hour.

  • Minimal Side Effects:

Laser hair removal methods come with minimal side effects – you will likely only have some mild skin irritation for a few hours after your treatment.

  • No times for grow:

With laser hair removal, you are encouraged to shave within 12 hours of your treatment. So you can remain hair free on that surface. In waxing and epilating, you must wait for the hair to be sufficient length to be pulled out.

  • Duration of laser hair removal:

It remarkable reduce hair density of the area. also, you can manage any re-grow with touch-up treatments every six to 12 months.

Difference Between Laser and IPL Hair Removal:

Both work on the same principle, the main difference between devices is the light source used. Laser hair removal utilizes the properties of a laser on the other hand IPL (IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light) uses broad-spectrum visible light.

IPL is designed to target the melanin pigment in the hairs.

Soprano Ice Laser:

Soprano ICE Laser is a machine that gradually produces heats and effectively ‘kills’ the hair follicle and prevents hair growth. The major difference is the skin feel ice cold, to keep the skin’s surface comfortable while it kills the follicles. Other principals and benefits are same as IPL and Laser hair removal.


Laser hair removal is a convenient, noninvasive treatment for permanently reducing or removing unwanted facial or body hair. After the therapy, the skin looking smoother and silkier than waxing, electrolysis or razors. It gentle treat larger areas effectively with minimal discomfort and with no downtime. Today, laser hair removal is one of the most common aesthetic procedures which has FDA certificate. The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) is responsible for the protection of public health.

We provide F.D.A approved, gentle and effective hair removal service at a fraction of the cost and time. We specialize in difficult cases also. Unwanted hair now treated quickly and effectively by the latest generation lasers.

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