Aesthetics Diaries

Platelet Rich Plasma in Cardiff

Platelet Rich Plasma Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP is the biologic factor that is obtained when human blood is fully woven in a centrifuge and other fluid is different from blood components. Plasma contains many treatment agents that help treat infections in humans and animals. Studies have shown that PRP injections can be more successful in treating tendonitis than cortisone therapy and provide less risk of surgery. If the PRP does not work, its use does not prevent extra treatment or surgery. Since the agent is completely made of the patient's own blood, it is completely normal and does not cause many side effects of steroids, whether oral or injectable. Surgical treatment for tendonitis is not always successful and includes risks. Why People Have Plasma Rich Platelets PRP is a blood plasma rich platelet. It is known that PRP contains growth factors and cytokines that can stimulate the treatment of soft tissue (a tissue that supports other organs for the structures within the body or connects around). Our blood is mainly composed of red blood cells (93%), white blood cells (1%) and platelets [...]

October 25th, 2018|

Microdermabrasion in Cardiff City

Microdermabrasion Microdermabrasion is defined in several ways as a treatment in which crystals are peeled off at the surface to spray the dead outer epidermal layer. The professionals are surgeons and it is about removing more layers of the skin to improve the general appearance of the skin or to treat deeper problems. Microdermabrasion has been practised for years. Most current treatments are variations of a cane that is passed over the facial areas, while fine crystals are directed against the skin to exfoliate the outer layer of the skin and suction eliminates crystals and dead cells. The outer layer of our skin is dead. Under normal circumstances, the dead cells will fall out and the new skin will look fresh and healthy. However, this process can be held back by lifestyle factors and the microdermabrasion process gives Mother Nature a hand to advance the process. The Treatment The treatment sessions are usually short-lived so as not to put your skin under too much stress. Many people worry that the procedure may cause pain or discomfort. In fact, it is almost painless, but it may be a strange feeling at first, but [...]

October 23rd, 2018|

Dermaplaning Cardiff City

Dermaplaning Cardiff Dermaplaning is a non-obtrusive, manual skin resurfacing treatment which is done using a unique surgical scalpel blade. In this technique, the top, dead layers of skin are removed and the outcome is a soft and smooth skin and can be done on the face and different parts of the body also. When it comes to skincare, we regularly get to a point where we seek help. A lot of individuals turn to professional dermaplaning. As we begin getting older and seeing that our skin isn't repairing itself as easily as it used to. We later realise that the over-the-counter cures that we've been using are basically not as effective any longer. This is the point when some of us choose to look professional help at a spa or even at the medical specialist's office. Dermaplaning is one of the most widely known treatments that were provided. Quickly and moderately safe, this technique can do wonders for your skin. However, it aids to know what's in store both during and after treatment. Know the Method of Dermaplaning Dermaplaning sounds rather scary, however, in reality, it's [...]

October 22nd, 2018|

Microblading in Cardiff City

What is Microblading? Microblading is an eyebrow treatment technique in which the eyebrow is improved by the insertion of pigments into upper layer of the skin. The process is carried out using a tool that looks like a pen with 10 to 12 littles needles on its end. The needles are used to delicately scratch the surface of the skin, but do not penetrate the skin deeply. The needles are used to implant featherweight strokes into the epidermal layer of the skin to create fine, natural hair strokes. Microblading is a technique that is used to extend the eyebrows, cover gaps in the eyebrow, or even do a complete reconstruction of the eyebrows (in a situation where there is no hair). The result of the microblading process is natural-looking and lifelike eyebrows in the shape and fullness desired. Why Do People Get Microblading? Microblading has become of the hottest trends in the beauty industry and many people are getting the treatment. After all, natural-looking realistic brows are desired by everyone. • Loss of eyebrow hair • Loss of shape and/or definition of the eyebrow hair •  Thin eyebrows caused by [...]

October 19th, 2018|
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