Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy
Platelets are cells in the blood that play several roles in the body. They are responsible for blood clotting to prevent excessive bleeding. They also contain proteins that help in healing wounds.
Platelet-rich plasma is injected into the body mainly to in cases of inflammation and damage of tissues. A blood sample is collected and spun to separate the platelets from other components in the blood. The platelets are then injected into the patient’s body.
Uses of Platelet-Rich Plasma
Hair Growth
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a food treatment for hair loss as it increases hair count, thickness and the hair cycles growth phase. The Platelet-Rich Plasma is directly injected into the scalp in the hair follicles level. The injection is done every half an inch around the area with hair loss. This procedure is not risky, and it takes about two weeks to heal the bruising caused by the injections.
The treatment is commonly used with patients suffering from androgenic alopecia, which is hair thinning that happens at the top if the head. Patients respond differently to the procedure. There is a noticeable decrease in hair breakage, and then the hair regrows and becomes longer.
Tissue and Wound Healing
Doctors used the PRP treatment with patients after plastic and jaw surgeries. The PRP is used in tissues such as the tendons, ligaments, and muscles. The PRP is injected into the area where the injury has occurred. For example, players may have the heel cord swell and be painful in which case they are injected directly at the inflamed tissue.
In cases where the patient has to through reconstructive surgery like facelifts, breast enlargement, and reductions and neck lifts, the PRP is injected to boost the healing process. In this case, the PRP is prepared in a way that it is stitched into the tissues.
The PRP is also used to seal bleeding capillaries hence helping in the wound healing process. Treatment through PRP also helps to reduce the damage of nerves as it substitutes the use of electrocautery.
Inflammation Reduction and Bone Regeneration
Doctors to reduce inflammation brought about by Osteoarthritis use the platelet-rich plasma. This condition makes the joints stiff and painful. The PRP treatment should not be used alongside anti-inflammatory medications as it is supposed to optimise the healing response. It is more effective than the treatment with hyaluronic acid, showing positive results in treating rotator cuff tears as well as knee collateral ligament injuries.
However, it is argued that the PRP treatment on inflammations is short-term and the main problem in the area should be addressed. Platelet-Rich Plasma delivers supra-physiologic concentrations of the growth factors to the area of injury increasing tissue regeneration.
The PRP has therefore been adopted in bone treatment to facilitate healing. It has been proved that PRP injections helped fight the symptoms associated with chronic patellar tendinopathy.
The Risks Associated with Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy
The risk of PRP therapy are minimal despite that its success is still in question for complex conditions. The PRP is administered using the patient’s platelets hence there are no reactions to the treatment.